4 Months wool growth. 191148
191148 is a son of 170004 with exceptionally long stapled wool. He is a tall upstanding ram that will make a big impact on any flock.
Current ASBV Data as at 21/1/2021.
YWT 5.74
PWT 4.76
YFAT -0.32
YEMD 1.44 (Top 20%)
YFD -0.02
YCFW 19.34
YSL 23.77 (Top 5%)
191141 191141
4 Months Wool Growth 191141
191141 is a son of 170004 and is a very proud ram who stands tall. He has a very deep body with long stapled pure white wool.
Current ASBV Data as at 21/1/2021.
YWT 6.80
PWT 5.24
YFAT 0.03
YEMD 1.80 (Top 20%)
YFD -0.12
YCFW 19.50
YSL 26.65 (Top 5%)
170004 170004

170004 has participated in the South Australian Sire Evaluation Trial where many of his great traits shone through. A well linked sire that has been used extensively within our own flock.
Current ASBV Data as at 21/1/2021.
YWT 6.68
PWT 5.78 (Top 20%)
YFAT -0.27
YEMD 3.09 (Top 5%)
YFD 0.41
YCFW 21.37
YSL 29.91 (Top 5%)